Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Have you guys heard about how we're going to fucking crash a couple of rockets into the moon? I'm stoked to stumble the pictures like a dozen times. If we find water, we might be able to launch spacecraft from the moon. I would spend every tax dollar on projects like this.

Also: this isn't funny, but it's awesome if you've got a few minutes. I would actually kind of want to buy it, but posters that require this much reading are for douchebags. Like that trainspotting poster with the typo in it. Throw it away right now.

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Mike said...

there's a typo in the trainspotting poster?

Mike said...

oh. now i see it. but...maybe they meant this:

C said...

I like Amazon's "key phrases" for that book:

mobbing action, pish sequence, squeal call, The Art of Pishing, Making Your Pishes Count, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Tufted Titmouse