Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Captain Missing Sandwhich

I present to you a goldmine and a silvermine.

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1 comment:

C said...

having thoroughly reviewed both websites, a few things:
- i didn't even notice the title of the post until after i had seen the captain missing sandwhich picture and determined it to be my favorite
- i prefer the silvermine. the milf speaks. the white ho. bernanke blah blah blah blah
- the goldmine needs to cut the old as shit newspapers and focus on the ones that look like intentional jokes, like "sex offenders pitch tents" I for one want to encourage more innuendo in newspapers. most people won't get it, and those who do will already have gotten over it. It's like meredith's justification for calling crippled people cunts around tiny children and their tightass parents. God i hate you! But in all seriousness, i think there is a lot of room in headline writing for some sophisticated creativity. where are the collections of people who have formed novel two word puns with multiple levels of illustrative meaning?