Thursday, May 14, 2009

Whidbey and the Chinese

Chinese people lived on Whidbey Island once! they even owned land!!

That is until 1891 when "parties unknown" (here's a hint, they were white) blew up two pits of potatoes from parcels belonging to the Chinese. Nothing says I hate you people like blowing up their potatoes. Whidbey landowners get together shortly thereafter and decree: any man that rents or sells land to an oriental will be tarred and feathered!

So the Chinese pack up and leave never to be heard from again.

until a small incident from 2001 that you may remember involving the following:






1. We get our plane and people back, the Chinese get nothing but 34,000 dollars and a letter saying we're sorry. we said sorry twice though.

2. Still not a lot of Chinese about.

3. Tom Delay gets in on the alliteration game, finally. "Tom DeLay, described the episode as "communist piracy" and Chinese demands for compensation as "the deluded daydreams of a despotic regime""

They should have just blown up our fucking potatoes man.

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