Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I'm from the streets!

I am from the streets. Do you know what that means? It means I am not from the same space as you. You come from your street, and on your street was your house, and there were probably other houses on your street, but they weren't homes - they were just houses. You didn't hang out with your neighbors. You maybe had a friend who was also a neighbor, but their house wasn't the neighbor's house - it was the home of Josh or Julie, defined only by Josh or Julie's Nintendo and Josh or Julie's parents in Josh or Julie's home. You only hung out with your neighbors at the very occasional barbecue, which you always felt was forced and awkward. You didn't live communally with a hundred fluctuating strangers who were instantly adopted into the extended family to shield you from the feeling of living in a ghetto, with no wooden fences and rows of Photinia to separate you from the accurate depiction of you that lived and died feet from your pillow. I'M FROM THE STREETS, BITCH!

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