Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Dude I fucking told you so. I said I was surprised that we didn't see some cyberlink Navi sexin' action and lo and behold they shot the scene but didn't use it. I bet it's hot as fuck. I bet they can hold bowling-ball-sized objects in their colons for prolonged periods of time. Admit it, you wanted to see Simba pin Nala (and yes, the Lion King is an allegory plagued with white guilt). And Costner was a pussy when he nailed Stands With a Fist. Cameron wouldn't have the balls to get really freaky with it. Turns out the Navi have fluid genders, Sully, get pegged. Let's sync our brains so you can feel my identity spitting on your asshole.

Also, more evidence that CurrentTV rocks. Too bad I can watch it all online, but not even joking I can't overload the bandwidth on my mom's satellite wireless. Someone entertain me in Seattle

Also, realizing that I need to take the link to the blog off my fb page.

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