Monday, December 14, 2009

interesting/random wiki find

check out this list of kids of clergymembers:
There are some surprising ones (Nietzsche? Jung? Alice Cooper? maybe that's not surprising) and some weird trends (what's with all the singers?)

I originally got here looking up the article for "PK" (Preacher's kid) which--due to excluding a couple religions-has a shorter, more concise list:'s_kid

Why was I looking up PK you ask? Well.....

Stumble Upon Toolbar


Mike said...

I see those guys all the time!

why do they understand that when making something plural you don't have put an apostrophe when they spell some words but then others like feminist's it all goes to hell.

Mr. White said...

duh mike, apostrophe's at the end of a word mean "here come's an 's'!! get ready for it!" like the 'i in baha'i

two follow up questions:
1. can you be against racism AND muslim's?

2. (for chalf, primarily but everyone's welcome) what's the argument against the baha'i? I don't mean like, why do evangelical's hate them. I'm just saying that other than the whole, theism, belief in a god thing, they don't seem that bad.

C said...

....have you met Zendeh?

Mr. White said...

why??? is he baha'i...nd me??!?