Thursday, November 5, 2009

sixth sense

this is kind of long, but it's badass.

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Mike said...

that's kind of scary.
why didn't we ever take the time to learn about technology ?

Funka said...

I'm not entirely sure what to make of this device.

Where does being a human being start and technologies end? Would something like this truly become a sixth sense for some (much like the cellphone is now another appendage for most people) and if so what does it mean for their interactions with the world around them?

This is a natural evolution for the human species but what does that mean for the human species and its connection to itself and its environment?

Is part of our evolution creating a new environment/reality in which we will live/exist? One where we make decisions based off a cloud of information comprised of the reactions, opinions and emotions which is funneled directly to us in a way which is supposed to feel natural and come to us as a second nature?

There's also the 'big brother' aspect of all of this junk. The same part of me that knows a device like this would be marvelous for say ER workers it would be just as awesome for the police.

This is where a chance for an obvious instantaneous human to human disconnect pops up; if the individual they were approaching was recognized (as I imagine facial-recognition is the next step)as having a record, how does that effect the officers treatment of that individual?

Would it lead to escalated altercations between police and civilians (no matter how false it is people who don't think the police know anything about them are usually more calm then those who know their face was just processed by the mini-cam strapped to the cop's head)?

Would it lead to more people being hauled off for petty crimes due to past mistakes or occurrences because the information channeled through a device such as this would lend to a 'first impression' of an individual by the officer?

Whatever, I'm pretty stoned right now.

C said...

embrace teh cyborg