Monday, September 14, 2009

Chantix is better than fucking Radiohead.

That's right. Fucking Radiohead.
Also, I should be cutting cards.

"He never hit me before; it was so unlike him," says Rathbone, 27. She tells how Albrecht, 34...a laidback and gentle man, according to friends and family, struck her in the face, tackled her to the ground and shattered a water glass in his hand after the couple returned from having drinks at a Dallas bar Sept. 3. "Then he kind of zoned out and had no idea who I was, like he was in one of the nightmares he'd been having," says Rathbone, who managed to lock Albrecht out of her house. Bloodied and dazed, he began pounding on the door of a neighbor, who took Albrecht for a violent intruder and fatally shot him in the head."
According to friends and family, the nightmares—vivid and violent—began for Albrecht just one week earlier, when he and Rathbone, dating since January, started taking the new drug Chantix in an effort to quit smoking. "We were both having strange hallucination dreams," says Rathbone, who is working toward a graduate degree in counseling. "With Carter, he'd wake up and say, 'Oh, I thought that was real.'"
Deborah Johnson, 36, an Oregon musician who began taking the blue pills last February. Johnson says the drug left her "confused and agitated." One night after drinking wine, she suddenly felt frantic. "I grabbed the kitchen knife and cut one wrist; I felt compelled to do it," she says.

"Patients who are attempting to quit smoking with CHANTIX should be observed for serious neuropsychiatric symptoms, including changes in behavior, agitation, depressed mood, suicidal ideation and suicidal behavior."

In 20 months:
227 Suicides or Suicide Attempts
297 Cases of Possible Psychosis
525 Reports of Hostility or Aggression
--FDA reports

"I started taking Chantix in October. The results were amazing. I did get very disturbing dreams of me watching people that I knew getting killed. It was aweful. About 2 weeks ago, I started getting paranoid of the thought of dying. I thought about it all the time. DEATH. Me dying, my 1 year old dying my mom dying, ect. I would lay in bed at night and just cry. Finally I wondered if it was the Chantix. I stopped taking it. The thoughts stopped."
--some idiot

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Mr. White said...

don't cut cards.

are you crazy?

also, you got your chantix hookup yet or what?

C said...

my roommate has hella chantix, if you're interested.