Thursday, March 12, 2009


Wookieepedia: clever, but painfully nerdy.

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Mr. White said...

why are there so many solos in star wars?

pavingstonebeach said...

solo is a pimp.

Mr. White said...

actually spencer, according to wookiepedia:

The House of Solo refers to Berethron e Solo and his descendants[1]. Han Solo was a member of this line; though he was either unaware of this, or loathe to invoke its prestige for much of his life. However, due to Berethron's abolishing of the monarchy it likely held little real substance[1].

Though its members were once the kings of the Corellian Empire, by 29 BBY their standing had sunk so low that Han Solo was born into poverty[2] . The Solo line regained some prominence circa 8 ABY when Han married into the Skywalker family through Leia Organa[1]. As a result of its members' already-legendary accomplishments, the Solo-Skywalker clan was considered one of the most influential and famous groupings of the post-Imperial era.