on treadmills:
want cake:
super balance:
climbing up slides:
stuck in a fan:
running into a pool:
Saturday, May 31, 2008
lil animals tee hee
Friday, May 30, 2008
aliens, dude, aliens
so the video isn't out yet, despite claims to the contrary on youtube. It was shown to press members today, but pictures of the clip weren't allowed. Somehow the Denver Post managed to post this picture. It may or may not be anything at all.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The Herps, part II
Mr. White's mention of the herps device got me searching...here's a couple goodies.
"ok so i just got my herps..."
"But at least the herps have improved to where they now don't get stuck open if the child yawns or laughs big"
"Well anyway i might not be in schooool the last day cause im getting the herps..."
"Will they put the braces on top of the herps? He said i have 5 more months of herps, but i dont think its possible to put braces on top, cause i have so much metal in my mouth already. Also any w/experience with herps and braces, does it hurt with both on if they do that?"
"Is your Orthodontist aware that you have the herps..."
Seriously though, I feel bad for these kids. I can't imagine that anything hurts quite like braces on the herps. I wouldn't want to go to school either. And imagine if your orthodontist didn't know you had the herps before you got there! Plus, everytime you yawn, the herps stay open....yeesh.
someone print for jakes door
also lolaliens doesn't quiet have the appeal it should
also, how to freak outyour kids when they are sleeping
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
The Herps
My daughter’s orthodontia is going to be EXPENSIVE, in large part because of what the ortho guy calls “skeletal issues.” In other words, my poor girl barely has a bottom jaw. So we need something called a Herps Device (which I’m sure I’m spelling wrong, and yes it does make me think “herpes” every time someone at the orthodontia office mentions it. But I don’t think mothers are supposed to giggle inappropriately at such things) which will somehow — ouch — bring her lower jaw forward. You know it’s gonna cost you when the orthodontist says, “In fourteen and a half years of doing this, I’ve only had to put this device in a child this young one other time.” Said like that, it sounds kind of dirty, doesn’t it? But anyway. Get.Mind.Out.Of.Gutter.Mommy. The assistant pulled together the contract for me — yes, there’s a CONTRACT for this, and right now the estimate for Phase One — did I not mention that they do braces in Two phases now? is $4,300. She said, “On a scale of one to ten, you guys are pretty much at ten,” which made me burst out laughing. Tim did not find this so amusing
There's also:
Has anyone heard of this HERPS device before? And if so, could you
inform or direct me to some information on the subject so that I can
intelligently to my parents about the option they have chosen for my
These cartoons are burned into my subconscious from when i was a child. Watch this pissant kid fuck with these birds
Here's a happier one.
And here's a racist one. Check out that drunk Irish potato cop.
And don't forget Jerky Turkey. 1945's finest. There's even a couple Indian jokes.
He's good
So i thought about stealing a bunch of this shit, but i'll just mention it. This is an advertisement, now.
I was introduced to a good blog today. He's got some good content. I don't know blogger etiquette, but here are some of his good links that i found in 5 seconds.
Cats that look like Wilford Brimley
He also has a fun fake album generating technique.
1. Click on this link. The title of the page is the name of your band.
2. Click on this link. The last four words of the final quotation on the page are the title of your album.
3. Click on this link. The third picture is your album cover.
4. Take the pic, add your band name and album title.
Mine is Matthew Hagar: Excellent place for it. And my album cover is a sexy lady.
And Here's the wikipedia entry for untranslatability, which is kind of interesting
This card game appears to be the biggest video game crossover ever, involving characters from just about every game i've never heard of.
And the idea of the Wickroll
And an interesting post about Hyperforeignization, like when people say "Cachet" instead of "cache" or "Ehud Olmare" instead of "Ehud Olmert," bitches.
See more at Back of the Cereal Box
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
crocodiles kill HIV
It kills bacteria by ripping it apart and destroys HIV like a trained assassin. No, it's not some new miracle drug or surgical treatment. It's crocodile blood. Scientists in Australia's tropical north are collecting the blood after discovering that the immune system of crocodiles there is much more powerful than that of humans, preventing life-threatening infections after savage territorial fights. "They tear limbs off each other, and despite the fact that they live in this environment with all these microbes, they heal up very rapidly," said U.S. scientist Mark Merchant. Merchant and others are hoping to develop powerful new drugs for humans, possibly one to fight HIV. "If you take a test tube of HIV and add crocodile serum, it will have a greater effect than human serum," said Australian researcher Adam Britton.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
It has begun
The summer before the bears has begun. They look cute now, but it's only a matter of time before they get guns.